(The index of the forbidden books of the Catholic Church)
The first page of the INDEX from the Spanish edition of 1559.
Idem, edition of 1583.
The first page of the INDEX published by the Pope Pius IV in 1564.
The best online (local) Latin-English Dictionary, to help reading the INDEX.
The INDEX sorted by author's name and the year of prohibition of his book.
The history of the censorship and the INDEX.
The number of forbidden books year by year, from 1575 to 1944.
All this material zipped.
Original, in Latin |
Translation into Portuguese by A.C.Mattos |
First Page | Frons | Capa |
Preface | Prefazione (in Italian) | Prefácio |
From the Codex | Ex Codice Iuris Canonici | Do Código de Direito Canônico |
Instruction | Instructio | Instrução |
Preamble | Prænotanda | Preâmbulo |
The Index, by author's
name and/or title name |