RISK ANALYSIS - CASH FLOW ANALYSIS BY SIMULATION LANCAMENTO DE UM PREDIO DE APARTAMENTOS (Em R$ 000 ctes da data zero) ** FINANCIAL PARAMETERS BEFORE SIMULATION (from the original cash flow) Financial Payback (FPB) 10.0 periods Net Present Value (NPV) $ 39024.80 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 8.41 % per period Interest rate (constant): 2.00 % per period Length of the cash flow: 17 periods Number of simulations to be executed: 10000 (each * represents 2% of cases) value % chance up to 8.0 2.0 * up to 8.4 0.0 up to 8.8 0.0 up to 9.2 46.5 *********************** up to 9.6 0.0 up to 10.0 47.9 *********************** up to 10.4 0.0 up to 10.8 0.0 up to 11.2 3.5 * up to 11.6 0.0 up to 12.0 0.1 Average value of FPB with simulation = 9.53 Average value of FPB without simulation = 10.00 Absolute sum of observed cases: 10000 (number of simulations) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (each * represents 2% of cases) value % chance up to 343.4 0.0 up to 7621.3 0.2 up to 14899.2 1.4 up to 22177.1 6.1 *** up to 29455.0 18.1 ********* up to 36732.9 26.5 ************* up to 44010.8 25.6 ************ up to 51288.7 15.5 ******* up to 58566.6 5.6 ** up to 65844.5 1.0 up to 73122.4 0.2 Average value of NPV with simulation = 36225.38 Average value of NPV without simulation = 39024.80 Absolute sum of observed cases: 10000 (number of simulations) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (each * represents 2% of cases) value % chance up to 2.1 0.0 up to 3.2 0.1 up to 4.2 0.5 up to 5.3 2.3 * up to 6.4 7.7 *** up to 7.5 20.1 ********** up to 8.6 29.2 ************** up to 9.6 25.5 ************ up to 10.7 12.0 ***** up to 11.8 2.5 * up to 12.9 0.3 Average value of IRR with simulation = 8.16 Average value of IRR without simulation = 8.41 Absolute sum of observed cases: 10000 (number of simulations) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal End of RISK.EXE Copyright 2005 by Antonio Carlos M. Mattos, BEE, MBA amattos@fgvsp.br acm@universal.net.br www.universal.net.br/acmm This program is portable and was developed with the powerful INTEL C++ Compiler 8.1 running under MSVS 6.0, and optimized (fine tuned) with INTEL VTUNE 7.2 (www.intel.com). The representative of these products in Brazil is alfredo.leon@tecpartner.com.br