Tutoriais e artigos sobre Redes Neurais:
What is an Artificial Neural Network? USENET FAQ on Neural Networks - comp.ai.neural-nets (Frequently Asked Questions, versão html), (versão txt no ftp site rtfm.mit.edu) "An Introduction to Neural Networks" by Ben A. J. Kröse and P. Patrick van der Smagt, 5th ed., 1993 (readme.txt) Course "Neural Nets" by Kevin Gurney, Psychology Department, The University of Sheffield Articles about Neural Networks and Statistics Neural Networks references at NeuroDimension Reinforcement Learning Repository at Michigan State University Listing of Commercial Applications of Neural Networks (PNNL web site)
Pesquisa Bibliográfica:
Bibliographies on Neural Networks Neural Networks Archives (Neuroprose, Neurocolt Tech Reports and a lot more) NIPS Online (toda a coleção de artigos da série NIPS: NIPS 1987 até NIPS 2000) [NIPS 2001] "ML Papers": Search Engine for Machine Learning Papers "CORA": Computer Science Research Paper Search Engine ProBE - Programa Biblioteca Eletrônica IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) - Programa CAPES - RICTEC Portal CAPES - Periódicos
Publicações Científicas
Bancos de Dados para Treinamento e Teste de Redes Neurais:
Seção "Databases for experimentation with NNs" em comp.ai.neural-nets USENET FAQ, Part 4 of 7 The AR Face Database The Database of Faces at AT&T Laboratories Cambridge (formerly "The ORL Database of Faces") CMU Robotics Institute: Facial Expression Database CMU Robotics Institute: Face Databases CMU Robotics Institute: Face Detection Databases CMU Robotics Institute: CMU PIE Database (Pose, Illumination and Expression) The MIT-BIH Database (CD-ROM databases of ECGs and other physiologic signals, and software for use with them)
Reuniões Científicas no Brasil e no exterior
V Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais e VI Escola de Redes Neurais List of Events on Artificial Intelligence Listing of conferences and workshops on Neural Networks (PNNL web site)
Grupos no Brasil e no exterior:
CNRN - Conselho Nacional de Redes Neurais Grupo de Inteligência Computacional (GIC), Departamento de Informática, UFPE IEEE Neural Network Council INNS - International Neural Network Society Centre for Neural Networks - King's College London Neural Computing Research Group - Aston University Artificial Intelligence Site - Brunel University Neural Networks - Eindhoven University of Technology University of Amsterdam Robotics and Neurocomputing Kawato Dynamic Brain Project - Japan Science and Technology Corporation NASA STS-90 Neurolab Crew Page Robotics and Neural Networks at NeuroDimension ALVINN (Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network) Project Home Page Neural Network-Based Face Detection Neural Networks Research Centre (SOM, LVQ, Prof. Kohonen) DTI NeuroComputing Web Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Neural Networks Group Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT) Listing of Neural Network related Professional Societies (PNNL web site)
Outras páginas relacionadas:
Geoffrey Hinton's Home Page Charles W. Anderson's Home Page Evolutionary Robotics and Self-Learning Robots Neuroscience for Kids Ric's Neural Network and Neuroscience links Information on Neural Networks Review of Neural Network Hardware Neural Network Pointer Service at SNN (Foundation for Neural Networks) Electronic implementation of neural networks using analog hardware and several related links Backpropagator's Review Complex Systems Virtual Library by themes - Neural Networks CMU Robotics Institute: Current VASC Projects CMU Robotics Institute: Past VASC Projects Neural Networks and Machine Learning, July to December 1997 - Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences O Projeto NEURALTEL e seus Desdobramentos Software Adobe Acrobat Reader (http site) (ftp site)