Conselho Nacional de Redes Neurais
Links Interessantes sobre Redes Neurais e Assuntos Correlatos

Tutoriais e artigos sobre Redes Neurais:

  • What is an Artificial Neural Network?
  • USENET FAQ on Neural Networks - (Frequently Asked Questions, versão html), (versão txt no ftp site
  • "An Introduction to Neural Networks" by Ben A. J. Kröse and P. Patrick van der Smagt, 5th ed., 1993 (readme.txt)
  • Course "Neural Nets" by Kevin Gurney, Psychology Department, The University of Sheffield
  • Articles about Neural Networks and Statistics
  • Neural Networks references at NeuroDimension
  • Reinforcement Learning Repository at Michigan State University
  • Listing of Commercial Applications of Neural Networks (PNNL web site)
  • Pesquisa Bibliográfica:

  • Bibliographies on Neural Networks
  • Neural Networks Archives (Neuroprose, Neurocolt Tech Reports and a lot more)
  • NIPS Online (toda a coleção de artigos da série NIPS: NIPS 1987 até NIPS 2000) [NIPS 2001]
  • "ML Papers": Search Engine for Machine Learning Papers
  • "CORA": Computer Science Research Paper Search Engine
  • ProBE - Programa Biblioteca Eletrônica
  • IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) - Programa CAPES - RICTEC
  • Portal CAPES - Periódicos
  • Bancos de Dados para Treinamento e Teste de Redes Neurais:

  • Seção "Databases for experimentation with NNs" em USENET FAQ, Part 4 of 7
  • The AR Face Database
  • The Database of Faces at AT&T Laboratories Cambridge (formerly "The ORL Database of Faces")
  • CMU Robotics Institute: Facial Expression Database
  • CMU Robotics Institute: Face Databases
  • CMU Robotics Institute: Face Detection Databases
  • CMU Robotics Institute: CMU PIE Database (Pose, Illumination and Expression)
  • The MIT-BIH Database (CD-ROM databases of ECGs and other physiologic signals, and software for use with them)
  • Reuniões Científicas no Brasil e no exterior

  • V Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais e VI Escola de Redes Neurais
  • List of Events on Artificial Intelligence
  • Listing of conferences and workshops on Neural Networks (PNNL web site)
  • Grupos no Brasil e no exterior:

  • CNRN - Conselho Nacional de Redes Neurais
  • Grupo de Inteligência Computacional (GIC), Departamento de Informática, UFPE
  • IEEE Neural Network Council
  • INNS - International Neural Network Society
  • Centre for Neural Networks - King's College London
  • Neural Computing Research Group - Aston University
  • Artificial Intelligence Site - Brunel University
  • Neural Networks - Eindhoven University of Technology
  • University of Amsterdam Robotics and Neurocomputing
  • Kawato Dynamic Brain Project - Japan Science and Technology Corporation
  • NASA STS-90 Neurolab Crew Page
  • Robotics and Neural Networks at NeuroDimension
  • ALVINN (Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network) Project Home Page
  • Neural Network-Based Face Detection
  • Neural Networks Research Centre (SOM, LVQ, Prof. Kohonen)
  • DTI NeuroComputing Web
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Neural Networks Group
  • Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT)
  • Listing of Neural Network related Professional Societies (PNNL web site)
  • Outras páginas relacionadas:

  • Geoffrey Hinton's Home Page
  • Charles W. Anderson's Home Page
  • Evolutionary Robotics and Self-Learning Robots
  • Neuroscience for Kids
  • Ric's Neural Network and Neuroscience links
  • Information on Neural Networks
  • Review of Neural Network Hardware
  • Neural Network Pointer Service at SNN (Foundation for Neural Networks)
  • Electronic implementation of neural networks using analog hardware and several related links
  • Backpropagator's Review
  • Complex Systems Virtual Library by themes - Neural Networks
  • CMU Robotics Institute: Current VASC Projects
  • CMU Robotics Institute: Past VASC Projects
  • Neural Networks and Machine Learning, July to December 1997 - Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
  • O Projeto NEURALTEL e seus Desdobramentos
  • Software Adobe Acrobat Reader (http site) (ftp site)

  • Datas de atualização desta página: 29/5, 9,29/7, 23,24,26/9/1999, 19,22/Julho/2001
    Página instalada e atualizada por: Cairo L. Nascimento Jr.