Lucy Pringle's 2002 Crop Circle Photographs

Ref. uk2002dl

Pitt - nr Winchester, Hampshire
15th Aug  

An 'alien face' type design based on a grid of pixels similar to last years Chilbolton formations.
It looks reminiscent of an alien depicted on the end credits of the original 'Star Trek' series.

An 'alien face' type design based on a grid of pixels similar to last years Chilbolton formations.
It looks reminiscent of an alien depicted on the end credits of the original 'Star Trek' series. (photo 2)

An 'alien face' type design based on a grid of pixels similar to last years Chilbolton formations.
A distant view showing the radio masts. (photo 3)

An 'alien face' type design based on a grid of pixels similar to last years Chilbolton formations.
A close-up of the 'disc'. (photo 4)


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