Observations from the
Alien & Code formation, Crabwood
found Aug 15, 2002

by Martin Keitel, Oct 30, 2002



The Code


Right, I've updated this section. I've gone through the whole code, examining carefully each bit, so I get all the characters as correct as possible (based on the aerial photo).

The code is written from the center outwards, counter-clockwise. There are 8 bits for each character, followed by a separator. This can be distinguished (somehow), because it is about half smaller than a "full bit". In the beginning and end there is additionally one extra 0 bit, otherwise the separator bits couldn't be distinguished!

Tthe message that comes out is:

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN But Still time.(unclear word).There is GOOD out there.We oppose DECEPTION.COnduit CLOSING\

The last ASCII character was originally said to be bell sound (07). I don't know why this is. I've checked it many times, but I get back slash (\). Also some of the capitals are a bit insecure. In the word "oppose" the first two letters could be capitals ("OPpose"), but it's difficult to say (there is only a difference of one single bit). I'm not absolutely sure about the "O" in "COnduit" either.

What is the unclear word? I've spend still more time with it and I've decided to abandon my suggestion "EELI!UVE", which was based on bid condensation in a portion of the code. Anyway here's the illustration, if you're interested to know how I got it.


The second suggestion comes out in the following way:

Here I've read the first letter as 01000010 instead of 01000101, turning E into B. The problem is that there is one extra bit, marked with the red dot. The arrow is pointing to the separator bit (in other places marked with red dots).

The next three letters are same as before, E and L. So far we have BELI. Since I already had found the last two letters to be V and E, I checked if I could fit another E in between to get "BELIEVE". And I managed. But there is another problem. There are now 4 extra bits (0101) with no use. This seems to be quite a big mistake. Could they have made such a mistake?

Look at the bits before (0101) and after (010101). You have a row like this: 0101x0101x010101 (separator bits marked with x). The separators (if they are such) are very narrow, as if they were added later? If we ommit the separators, the row is 01010101010101. With such a sequence, you can easily get lost! If they noticed the mistake when they had already continued long way with the rest of the message, perhaps they just added the separators and left the extra bits to puzzle us?

If this is made by true masterminds, all this confusion is not an error. I think the word "BELIEVE" is supposed to be found, but there is also a hint that there is something hidden beneath the surface. Probably the English text is only one level of the code, the simple sentences and odd using of capitals suggest this also. The deeper level may have information related to DNA. There is a scientist studying this possibility and I wait for his final conclusions. Also connections to the Mayan / Aztec Calendars are possible.

Look at the message now:

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN But Still time.BELIEVE.There is GOOD out there.We oppose DECEPTION.COnduit CLOSING\

And the problematic word once more with the "extra bits" added in they decimal values (0101 equals 5):


How I understand the message? There are people (institutions) who give us false gifts ("Signs" & other movies, alien toys, wrong ideologies etc.) and broken promises (not revealing important information, false political promises etc.). These people also give us the idea of an alien threat. There is much pain among people because all these false actions and attitudes of the elite. But we must BELIEVE: there is GOOD OUT THERE - meaning the POSITIVE E.T. and other beings. WE OPPOSE DECEPTION. "WE" is the GOOD aliens (even if it's spoken by human representatives).



And then, painting in Uzpekistan (a country in Asia, note far from Tibet). Apparently this painting was done by a Russin artist in 1967, as a part of a project for an international UFO related magazine.

I'm still hoping to get more info on this. If it indeed is a hoax (or an experimental project), it would be interesting to know about the artist's motivations and inspiration.

In the painting you can see a strange being holding a disk very similar to the one in the Crabfood crop circle. The being is surrealistic (symbolical). It looks as if its head is on fire.

In the landscape there seems to be two suns on the sky. In the following page I describe my dream, which said the alien message is about a new sun!

As you can see, there is also a flying saucer and an astronaut-like figure standing on a checker-board patterned floor, where the squares are out of place. The ufo is either leaving or landing, and its smoke is half covering the larger sun.

The head of the being could symbolise the planet Earth. It is on fire (on the other side), with eyes especially burning. Could this refer to a time when there are lots of fires on Earth and radiation that hurts the eyes (forest fires, ultraviolet rays)? Behind we can see a larger sphere emerging, this one not burning. This might portray the "new Earth", which is the result of the transformation. The being also seems to have a wing, suggesting that it flies or comes from the sky. Additionally there are many other symbols, like amulets.

One way to see this "message" could be: In the time of chaos on Earth, an alien being will come from the sky with a coded disk. They will help us to go through the transformation into a world with no more chaos, but two suns instead of one. The mountains and the checker-board could be a hint to a certain location. Whoever made the painting, wanted to say something!

Here I've place the inside part (having appr. the same amount of rotations) of the crop circle code over the painting. I have blurred it for better match. The similarity is far too great to be just co-incidential, don't you agree?

Even if the cave painting is a fake from 1967, it still was painted BEFORE the Crabwood formation was made. A connection must exist!

martin keitel, Aug 22, 2002 (what a date!)
updated Oct 13

Observations from the
Alien & Code formation, Crabwood

Filling the gaps in the code

Below is an image where I have marked ALL the 1368 bits in the code. The separator bits are marked with blue dots, others with red dots. Our main interest, however is pointed towards the bits marked with green rings. These are "extra" bits, not belonging to the ASCII code giving out the plain English text (see page 2).

(If you wish, you can use this diagram to check all the ASCII codes for yourself)

As I told before, there are 152 9-bit characters. However, in the English message there are only 151 characters. Where is the missing character? Answer: It is split in several parts of the code. So we need to find 9 bits (one of which should be the separator):

In the beginning there is 01 (number 1 in the above image), in the end of the 'h' of the word 'the' (2) there is an extra 0, in the end of the 'B' of 'BELIEVE' (3) there is an extra 1, in the beginning of the V in the same word (4) is an extra 0101 and finally in the very end of the code (5)there is 0 (the separator bit before it belongs to the last character, '\'). Here we have the "missing" nine bits!

010101010 (one of the bits should be the separator?)

Is there any clue how to organise these scattered bits? Should they bere looked at separately, should they be connected into one number or character?

The most interesting part is the 4 additional bits in the beginning of 'V' in BELIEVE. How do we know this should be read as 'V' in the first place? There is no separator between the first 4 bits and the last 8 bits, rather it is an intact row of 12 bits. I think the fact that only 'V' would make it a meaningful word is sufficient clue to take the last 8 bits instead of the first or the middle 8 (both of which would produce the letter 'U', and BELIEUE doesn't make sense).

Anyway, the 12-bit number as a total is 010101010110 in binary, 1366 in decimal. 1366 is very very close to 1368, the total number of bits in the code, coincidence?

In respect to the ASCII code, the first 01 and the last 10 are only separators. Generally, the separator is just 1 (or rather a "half 1", which also seems to be the case at least with the last separator), but in the beginning and end it would be difficult to distinguish these from the long "tails" in both ends of the spiral. So the "0's" could be seen as only gaps to separate the separators from the tails! Hence the actual number of bits in the code could indeed be EXACTLY 1366!

Now if the 12-bit number in 'V' gives us the total number of relevant bits in the code (for what reason?), why are the letters 'h' (in the first 'the'-word) and 'B' (in 'BELIEVE') also "highlighted" with an extra bit? If we take these characters as numbers, including the extra bits, we get 208 (h) and 133 (B). Does this mean anything?

Let's split these number into their prime number factors:

208 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13
133= 7 x 19

I'm not sure if this means anything, but at least 13 could be another hint to the Mayan Calendar and 19 was found to be somehow a relevant number on the previous page. On the other hand, these could be just meaningless random numbers.

If we forget the 1366, 288 and 133 and look at all the nine bits in a row:

01+0+1+0101+0 = 010101010 binary = 170 decimal
(01 in the beginning, 0 in 'h', 1 in 'B', 0101 in 'V' and 0 in the end).

Every other bit is 0, every other is 1. Could this have a meaning? There is no ASCII code for 170, because only the first 128 characters are in use - so it is not a letter. Again, I don't know. Only one number really makes some sence at the moment, 1366. I can only hope somebody has a meaning for the other numbers!

Martin Keitel, Oct 30, 2002